TA conversation between musician René Aquarius and artist Ajla R. Steinvåg acted as a catalyst for an intense collaboration in which the medical and the artistic world fused. Both artists have a medical background; Aquarius as a biomedical scientist, with a focus on bone and blood vessel pathology, and Steinvåg as a casualty special make-up artist and actor. The wear and tear of metal implants, used to replace diseased joints such as the hip, can result in metal debris deposits in surrounding tissue. Accumulation of metal particles in the human body can drive cells to activation of inflammatory pathways, programmed cell death and subsequent encapsulation of dead tissue. These processes formed the inspiration for the project Transmutation. In the project, this loss of tissue integrity is represented in subtle ways in both Steinvåg's sculptures as well as Aquarius' compositions. It is a mediation on these pathological proceses in the form of a multi-media installation comprised of a series of visceral sculptures and two dark and brooding soundscapes.
Steinvåg's initiated the sculpting process with the dissection of flesh, a crucial step to create depth by separating muscle from bone. The dissected cadavers were then used as a molding blueprint, which eventually resulted in tangible compositions. Transmutation is the slow force of nature, in which Steinvåg is looking for clues of lumps, bumps and discoloration as aesthetic proof of metal debris accumulation. To sculpt a body that is slowly coming to terms with what is going on inside. Aquarius's contribution originated from an extensive 2-year study period in which he investigated what could be reached through an alternative way of drumming. This resulted in a soundtrack which is in sync with Steinvåg's sculptures, capturing the essence of a slow accumulation of metal debris in surrounding tissue. The compositions are both cyclical in nature and rely heavily on sounds from cymbals, which gives them distinct metallic undertone, adding to otherworldly atmosphere of the installation.
Transmutation is the soundtrack to a series of sculptures by Ajla R. Steinvåg, and the second solo album for René Aquarius. For this album again he works with percussion to create dark and minimal electro-acoustic music. The sculptures and soundtrack together form a multi-media installation presented for the first time in September 2017 at the Temporary Art Centre in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The Transmutation soundtrack was released as a separate album by the label Moving Furniture Records.
This project was made possible by the generous support of the Mondriaan Funds.
TAC, Eindhoven, NL Transmutation.
Museum Jan Cunen, Oss, NL, Bio Art - Live and Let Live - How Bio Art Colors the Future curated by Merel van den Nieuwenhof. Transmutation.
2018, 2023
Peter Cox studio, Loes Blonk exhibition.